
BoomerangLyrics:TheworldspitmeoutandIwasspinningaround/Lostinafreefall/Forevergoingdown/Andbreakin'throughtheground/WhenI ...,ListentoBoomerangonSpotify.Song·NicoleScherzinger·2023....Signintoseelyricsandlistentothefulltrack.Signup.Nicole ...,Boomerang.Boomerang(Remixes)·NicoleScherzinger.歌词.Theworldspitmeout,.这世界将我抛弃.Andnowwe'respinningaround,.整个人晕头转向.Lostina ...,NicoleScherzi...

Nicole Scherzinger – Boomerang Lyrics

Boomerang Lyrics: The world spit me out and I was spinning around / Lost in a free fall / Forever going down / And breakin' through the ground / When I ...

Boomerang - song and lyrics by Nicole Scherzinger

Listen to Boomerang on Spotify. Song · Nicole Scherzinger · 2023. ... Sign in to see lyrics and listen to the full track. Sign up. Nicole ...

Nicole Scherzinger - Boomerang 歌词, 中文歌词

Boomerang. Boomerang (Remixes) · Nicole Scherzinger. 歌词. The world spit me out,. 这世界将我抛弃. And now we're spinning around,. 整个人晕头转向. Lost in a ...

Nicole Scherzinger Boomerang Lyrics

Nicole Scherzinger. Boomerang. By. @Ch4dd_. Though I'll spit me out,. And now we're spinning around. Lost in a free fall. Forever going down.

Nicole Scherzinger - Boomerang:歌詞+中文翻譯

Nicole Scherzinger於2013年的單曲, 自小野貓解散後, Nicole Scherzinger這首歌應該是要宣告, 「我不會倒的,我回來了」 當然她本人有絕對實力的歌喉,

Nicole Scherzinger - Boomerang lyrics

Lyrics for Boomerang by Nicole Scherzinger. The world spit me out and I was spinning around Lost in a free fall Forever going down And...

Boomerang - Nicole Scherzinger:歌詞、音樂影片和演唱會

聆聽Nicole Scherzinger 的「Boomerang」。查看歌詞和音樂影片,查找Nicole Scherzinger 巡演日期,購買演唱會門票等!

Boomerang - Song Lyrics and Music by Nicole Scherzinger ...

Gonna fight till I can stand and say. Oh, you can turn me down,. you can throw me now. The harder out,. the harder I come back around.

Nicole Scherzinger - Boomerang

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Nicole Scherzinger performing Boomerang. © 2013 Interscope.

Nicole Scherzinger - boomerang中英文歌词。。

The world spit me out and I was spinning around, lost in a free fall 我被这世界唾弃於天空中盤旋,毫无方向的坠落Forever going down, and breakin' through the ...